A virtual office to get your business going​!

Fill out the form below and get started with our virtual office membership.

Virtual Office • PREMIUM


$ 100
​ from
/ month

Starts at $100/month
billed at $1200/yr

Signup fee $50

Additional registered businesses: $25/month

Additional businesses with mail: $40/month

Everything co.necta BASIC includes plus:

All inclusive Mail Management

5 day passes /mo

$150/mo. meeting room credits

Thank you for signing up to co.necta BASIC! Please fill and send out the form below, and a member of our team will contact you shortly via email with our contract and next steps.

co.necta PREMIUM virtual office benefits

co.necta PREMIUM virtual signup form

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Want to stay up-to-date with what is happening at co.co? Our monthly newsletter is filled with tips, interesting articles, upcoming events throughout the Puerto Rican entrepreneurial ecosystem, and much more.

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